“We are not responsible only for what we do, but also for what we don’t do”:
This is a motto of the French comedy writer and actor Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, known throughout the world simply as “Molière”.

Since the year 1996, we have put our company repeatedly to the test under many aspects and obtained the corresponding certifications.

FSC® 100% (SINCE 2006)

Every two seconds a wooded area the size of a football pitch disappears. One of our company’s priorities is to oppose this phenomenon.
The FSC® 100% brand is only applied to wood coming from certified FSC® forests. Besides many other criteria, the long-term preservation and the improvement of the social and economic wellbeing of local populations and the preservation or reproduction of forests with high conservation value are also important.
The ecological, social and economic aspects are taken into equal consideration.


euroform w relies on a production that is as efficient as possible energy-wise, reducing to a minimum the CO2 emissions. This is true both for production as well as for transportation and on-site assembly.
euroform w’s goal is to commit itself strenuously to reducing CO2 emissions in the future in order to keep pollution as low as possible. With its products, euroform w aims at offering maximum benefits to the community and at the same time at keeping CO2 emission levels as low as possible. 


euroform w has neutralised 6,052 tonnes of CO2 since 2007 by supporting the "CO2OL Tropical Mix Gold Standard" reforestation project in Panama.
An example:
In 2023 euroform w produced 232 tons of CO2 considering direct and indirect emissions.
A comparison:
A single citizen produces on average per year:
•    11 tons of CO2 in Germany
•    9.5 tons of CO2 in Austria
•    7.7 tons of CO2 in Italy


To operate in terms of climate and environment protection it is necessary to compensate for the green house gas emissions produced. euroform w invests in “CO2 certificates” – an investment which in our case means the reforestation of the tropical forest in Panama with mixed native tree species according to the standard “Tropical Mix Reforestation”. Our project in Central America not only binds the CO2, but also creates local job opportunities and increases biodiversity. The destroyed forest areas, utilised for extensive livestock raising, are reforested with mainly native tree species and are gradually converted into mixed forests. The project contemplates the sustainable production of wood and the cultivation of cocoa. It also defends biodiversity and restores a healthy forest ecosystem.


The ecological footprint is one of the most interesting themes of our times. This indicator has been clearly defined and measures the consumption of natural resources of each human activity or of a determined population in relation to the capacity of the earth to regenerate them.
Every human being leaves an ecological footprint, even when he is just relaxing on his living room sofa. As soon as a person goes into action and begins producing something and selling a product, the ecological footprint increases as a result of the use of our earth’s resources.
"footprint consult" is an Austrian company in Vienna which euroform w contacted in order to be analysed and to determine its ecological footprint with precision.


euroform w leaves an ecological footprint on this earth which can be calculated and compared to other footprints.
For example, euroform w produces the three-seat bench “Ambiente”, with hot-dip galvanized, powder-coated metal frame, and seat made of FSC®-100% certified hardwood.
The yearly ecological footprint left by the bench “Ambiente” corresponds to that calculated for: 
•    a half kilogram of beef
•    three kilograms of paper
•    a 100 km trip in a medium sized car
•    a train trip of over 800 kilometers


Economy of common good is a social movement born in 2010 in Austria which quickly spread to Germany, Switzerland, Italy, Spain, Benelux, Great Britain, Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Today this movement operates in more than twenty European countries, in Latin America and in Africa.
This model indicates an economic system based on values promoting common good. The goal of the initiative is to promote change on the economic, political and social levels to ensure a life that is worthy of being lived 
•    here and elsewhere
•    now and in the future
•    for mankind, animals and nature.
The fundamental aspect for elaborating innovative solutions, which in turn can have positive consequences for the common good, is having different legal forms and business activities made to measure for people. 


euroform w is one of the pioneer companies of this initiative and over 500 companies have already adhered to this philosophy.
Helmuth Lind, president of Sparda Bank, Munich says: “For me the approach to common good is the fundamental pillar of our future and therefore of any future increase in productivity”.
Christian Felber, author of the book “L’economia del bene comune” (“The Economy of Common Good”) and co-founder of the economy of common good movement, writes: “The economy of common good is based on the same constitutional and fundamental values that make it possible to build positive relationships based on trust, appreciation, co-operation, solidarity and sharing. And the economy of common good is, on the one hand, absolutely ethical, and on the other hand, liberal. Instead, our current economic system is reversed. Money has become an end to itself rather than an instrument useful for reaching what truly counts: a life worthy of living for all of us”.


Since 1 July 2014, the Regulation on building products, together with the harmonised standard EN 1090-1, states that all such products put on the European market must be marked with the CE mark. 
The certification and monitoring of the internal production controls are essentially based on a quality guarantee system, well-functioning and documented in compliance with the EN 1090-1 standard. The entity of the prescribed requisites for the factory production controls depends on the execution class (EXC) of the components and assemblies.
The application standards for steel structures in compliance with EN 1090-2 and for aluminum structures in compliance with EN 1090-3 specify four execution classes, from EX1 (components mainly subject to static loads with scarce consequences deriving from structural failure) to EX4 (components with very severe consequences for people and the environment deriving from structural failure).

Bernhard Winkler, euroform w managing director, is convinced that: “In the future the common good will be the yardstick of a company’s conduct.  The times when the maximizing of profit and the increase in production were the only indicators of success belong to the past. And the sooner the general economy becomes aware of this, the sooner we will be able to live a better and more responsible life”.


The ISO 9001 standard is the main standard as concerns quality management. It contemplates many mandatory requirements that make it possible to reach a quality assessment of the product and the fulfillment of the requirements of the standard itself. To this end, factors such as quality planning, quality management, quality guarantee and quality improvement play an important role.


The ISO 14001 standard establishes the minimum internationally recognized requirements for environmental management systems, which make it possible to define, elaborate and reach clear objectives. The standard focuses its attention on the requirement of ongoing improvement of the environmental management procedures by producers and service suppliers.


The ISO 45001 standard is an international standard contemplating the adoption of an effective management system for workplace health and safety. It regards the enforcement of law provisions in general and their direct application by a determined company. First of all, the risks and opportunities are evaluated. From this first evaluation the management goals emerge, making it possible to pinpoint the safety measures to be applied, both as concerns the materials to be used and the skills and awareness of the employees.