Pocket Parks - our new products are here!

Date 23- September 2024
Pocket parks, also known as mini-parks, are small green spaces in urban or village areas. The benefits of pocket parks are manifold: they improve urban environmental quality, provide recreational spaces in densely built-up areas, promote social interaction and contribute to the physical and mental health of residents. They also support biodiversity and can serve as urban oases that contribute to cooling and air purification. Due to their proximity and accessibility, pocket parks offer much-needed green retreats, especially in cramped urban environments.
Pocket parks not only serve as green retreats, but also as innovative traffic calmers. By converting car parks and other sealed areas, small oases with planters, seating, loungers and shade elements are created. These islands invite people to linger and at the same time reduce the flow of traffic by creating space for pedestrians and cyclists. The calmed traffic situation increases safety for all road users and promotes a more liveable and safer urban environment. Pocket parks thus contribute to more sustainable urban development and significantly improve the quality of life of neighbouring residents.


Increasing the quality of life:
Pocket parks provide urban residents with green oases for recreation and relaxation.

Promote biodiversity:
They create habitats for various plant and animal species in urban areas and help reduce urban heat and improve air quality.

Innovative traffic calmers: 
The calmed traffic situation increases safety for all road users and promotes a more liveable and safer urban environment. Pocket parks thus contribute to more sustainable urban development and significantly improve the quality of life of neighbouring residents.

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Here's a preview of our products

As a long-standing and internationally successful producer of sustainable street furniture, we are happy to assist you with the consultation and design of your customised pocket parks. Our technical team works closely with planners, cities and municipalities to develop a coherent concept that is perfectly tailored to your needs.

We have developed various elements as a basis for the design, which can be combined with each other as required.
The foundation is formed by a platform that corresponds to the dimensions of a quarter of a car park; 4 platforms combined take up a full 2.5 x 5 m parking lot. Depending on space and other requirements, this can be arranged in any number of rows. Seating, planters or shade elements can be added. Our pocket parks are mobile, but can also be permanently installed on request.
Please take a look at our examples. We will be happy to answer any design or technical questions you may have.

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