Date 6- May 2021

we rely on a production that is as efficient as possible energy-wise, reducing to a minimum the CO2 emissions. This is true both for production as well as for transportation and on-site assembly.
Our goal is to commit ourselves strenuously to reducing CO2 emissions in the future in order to keep pollution as low as possible. With our products, we aim at offering maximum benefits to the community and at the same time at keeping CO2 emission levels as low as possible. 

We have calculated the CO2 emissions of our company for the year 2020 and in return we supported the afforestation project in Panama. The holistic approach takes into account emissions of Scopes 1-3, with operational boundaries covering the entire business operation from energy and mobility to the production of goods and transport.

We've been doing this since 2007 (on a voluntary basis) and we were able to reforest 34,21 ha of fallow land with 37.218 trees.

our certificate

more information about the project