Go by bike! in Naturno

Date 1- September 2020
9 new bicycle parking facilities have been built in the village centre in Naturno since the beginning of the year, 5 more have already been ordered. The project was realised with our ADFC-tested Elegance 186 bicycle racks.

Bike parking with quality
The group "PRO-BYKE" from Naturno has decided on a 3-year investment programme "Wheel parking facilities with quality 2019-2021". The programme has an investment budget of about 60,000 euros and is subsidised by the State Department of Mobility with a 50% contribution. The first four new parking facilities in the village centre have been set up in the last few weeks, another five new facilities have already been ordered and will arrive in Naturno in the next few days. In the summer of 2020, the municipality will determine further sensible locations. 

We rely on bicycle mobility! Healthy, environmentally conscious, cost-saving - these are the main buzzwords used to promote cycling and we can only emphasise them. But there is another characteristic of cycling that is more valuable than ever in these times: on the bike you meet your fellow human beings, you can stop for a moment to greet them, a sense of unity develops and you cycle together, not alone. So then, let yourself be motivated: Go by bike! in Naturno.
(Text: Municipal newspaper of Naturno, June 2020)

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