Inspiring Architectural Projects for Bicycles

Date 28- July 2020

Nowadays bicycles are not only used for sports or as a recreational activity, as more and more people are choosing bicycles as their main means of transportation.
Architecture plays a fundamental role in promoting the use of bicycles, as a properly equipped city with safe bicycle lanes, plentiful bicycle parking spots, and open areas to ride freely will encourage people to use their cars much less.

Bicycles can play an important role in environmental sustainability and people's quality of life. That's why it is fundamental for cities to position them prominently, as a key promoter of sustainable mobility. Under this model, it seems urgent to encourage the use of bicycles within contemporary cities and consider them when designing and planning.

Denmark and the Netherlands are currently the leading countries in architecture for bikes. They are considered a cyclist's paradise because of their excellent infrastructure and architecture, making them a worldwide reference in this field.
(article from Archdaily 3 June)